Variegation Courtyard was inspired by local indigenous flowers and ferns, which once grew on in abundance in the area. The work includes a series of laser-cut light columns also double as windscreens and benches, providing custom public seating that invites viewers and pedestrians to linger. The laser cuts on the columns represent Clematis Virginiana, a small white flower that once covered this area of the land prior to human development.

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Variegation Courtyard

Pierre Poussin
- Steel and Glass
- 2014
- Various
- 75 Queen's Wharf Road, Toronto
About the artwork
About the artist
Pierre Poussin is a Canadian-Mauritian artist based in Toronto. After completing a bachelor in biochemistry at the University of Ottawa, he graduated from the Furniture Design program at Sheridan College. Today, he specialises in public art installations that draws from the natural world, as well as urban communities and their diverse histories, largely inspired by abstract concepts with practical functionality, which helps him create meaningful and monumental artworks.
Fun facts
- Poussin has a strong ability to adapt to his environment, collaborating with major design studios such as Nienkämper, cocreating major works.
Engagement questions
- How does the artwork interact with its surroundings?
- What do you think the role of audiences should be in art? Does participatory functionality improve your experience?