CN Tower
Built on former Railway Lands, the CN tower was completed in 1976 after 1,537 workers worked 24 hours a day, five days a week for 40 months to complete. The needlepoint structure is an astonishing 147 floors high (553.3 m) and is known as a concrete communications and observation tower. CN stands for Canadian National which was the railway that built the tower. In 1975, the Guinness Book of World Records named the tower the World’s Tallest Free-Standing Structure. Other Guinness World Records over the years have included: World’s Tallest Building and Free-standing Structure (1996), World’s Tallest Building (2003), and World’s Tallest Tower (2007-2010). Since it was launched in 2007, the CN Tower's programmable LED architectural lighting changes colour on at least a daily basis, and it has helped raise awareness for hundreds of charities and special causes. Today, the tower is also known as having the World's highest wine cellar at 351 metres (1,151 ft.).
Toronto, ON M5V 2T6,